Jul 26, 2022
We're all pre-diabetic; we're all pre-hearing loss, right? At some point, if you live long enough, that stuff begins to stop working in the body but you get to choose on the spectrum when that happens. Do you want that to happen when you're 100 or when you're 50? When you have ketones and protein in your system at the...
Jul 19, 2022
Consumers are eating exactly what they're told, how they're told, where they're told, not asking questions and just showing up to the register, voting and supporting a system that actually is continuing to ensure and perpetuate that they will eat unhealthy food. We're going to do our part at Roam Ranch and Force of...
Jul 12, 2022
Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host and Wellness Force Media CEO, Josh Trent, shares the second Vision Quest he has done in two years with Guide, Tim Corcoran, of Purpose Mountain.
In this solocast, you will learn:
Jul 5, 2022
If we look at the transtheoretical model of change, in the first stage you are not aware at all that a change is even needed. Then, we move into a state of pre-contemplation as the rumblings are growing louder. Next, we have the contemplation phase where you are actively thinking of making. a change. Finally, you get to...