Oct 29, 2024
How can emotional triggers act as teachers, guiding you toward self-mastery?
Mark Groves joins Josh Trent on the
Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 686, to share why emotional
trauma is an initiation into personal growth, how unresolved wounds
shape relationships and behavior, and why...
Oct 25, 2024
In this special episode, Josh Trent, the heart and mind of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, steps up to the mic to deliver a heartfelt message about the journey to personal freedom, thriving in relationships, and answering the deepest call of your soul at Mark Groves' live event "Answering...
Oct 22, 2024
Is Access Consciousness a shortcut to healing your deepest wounds?
Dr. Dain Heer, Co-Founder of Access
Consciousness, joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast,
episode 684, to reveal his transformative journey from childhood
trauma to higher consciousness, how Access...
Oct 18, 2024
Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host and Wellness Force Media CEO, Josh Trent, shares the 7 practical steps to stop overthinking that he's learned through years of experience and interviewing hundreds of experts.
Holly: Beautiful conversation! Just discovered your podcast....
Oct 15, 2024
How does oral health impact your overall health?
Dr. Dominik Nischwitz (also
known as Dr. Dome) joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom
Podcast, episode 682, to introduce the principles of biological
dentistry, how our teeth are connected to different organs in the
body, and what...