Jan 8, 2019
Healing isn't so much about gaining something outside of yourself, it's letting go of all that isn't the deep down, divine you. - Dr. Brenda Walding
Can the process of healing pain actually be a powerful teacher for your spiritual growth, inner work, and wellness journey?
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On Wellness Force Radio episode 253, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, HeartMath Certified Coach, and Author of Sick of Being Sick, Dr. Brenda Walding, reveals how you can let nature nurture you whenever you need to connect with yourself, how oregano oil helped heal her infection when antibiotics couldn't, and what she did to embrace her feminine identity while she had breast cancer; especially after her mastectomy.
Follow along as Brenda shares her mission to serve women by helping them heal, thrive, and create more harmony in their lives.
Click here for your FREE copy of Sick of Being Sick by Brenda Walding, DPT, FDN-P
The Woman's Holistic Guide to Conquering Chronic Illness
Chronic illness – whether you are dealing with cancer, autoimmune disease, or a slew of mysterious symptoms – cuts to the core of a woman’s being. You may feel like you are drowning in a sea of pills, treatments, programs, diets, and debt that never quite gets you the results you crave. You would do anything – if you knew what to do and who to listen to.
Wellness expert Dr. Brenda Walding spent the last decade navigating debilitating chronic illness (including breast cancer) and came to understand the crucial components required for true healing and thriving. Now it is her mission to help other women learn how to tap into their innate healing power and finally begin living the lives they crave – lives full of well-being, happiness, connection, peace, and joy.
In Sick of Being Sick you will:
This heartfelt healing manifesto provides a comprehensive roadmap to empower and support you as you navigate your healing path. If you're ready to begin your journey to wellness, Sick of Being Sick will be your portal of transformation and opportunity to bring you back to your heart and to experience the health and wholeness you desire.
"Embracing your feminine side is not a weakness; it's just a different way for women to express themselves. As women, we can be powerful in a feminine way." - Dr. Brenda Walding
"Emotions are energy in motion. They're meant to be fluid so that when we embrace and feel them, they move through us. They don't get stuck unless we don't allow ourselves to feel them." - Dr. Brenda Walding
"A lot of my healing process focused on embracing the feminine energy by dropping into my heart and feeling my feelings. Instead of being this charging athlete, I turned towards learning how to flow and dance with music. That started to wake up this creative, feminine energy within me that I had not known before. It felt so good to begin to be aware of my feminine power. There is power in this feminine way of being and it's not a weakness; it's just a different way for women to express themselves. As women, we're not meant to express ourselves and be powerful in a masculine way; we can be powerful in a feminine way." - Dr. Brenda Walding
"I had this sense that I was ill because there was something wrong with me or I wasn't worthy of God's love but the more I read and did the inner work, I realized something. The God that is love does not punish or create disease and that fundamental belief that somehow I deserve to be punished was blocking my healing. So, switching to thinking about how this power that created me, the cosmos, these beautiful sunsets, and this extraordinary world is also within me helped me to become more open to experiencing and receiving this healing." - Dr. Brenda Walding
"If we can begin to open or shift our perception that disease is potentially this divine opportunity and this catalyst for radical growth and transformation, we can really go in and remove all that isn't us and awaken to the truth of who we really are." - Dr. Brenda Walding
"We all have this deep desire to live our best life and feel peace, happiness, purpose, passion, and connection but the only way to experience our optimal life is to feel. Part of the human experience is this symphony of emotions from happiness and joy to sadness and anger. Embracing all of these contrasting emotions is what it means to be human. So, give yourself permission to feel those feelings. Feel each feeling and love what you feel. No matter what it is, love that feeling." - Dr. Brenda Walding