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Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

The Wellness + Wisdom Podcast is a global collective dedicated to mastering physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world.

In this podcast together we gather, apply and embody the wisdom needed for authentic well-being in the 21st century.

Each episode is artfully crafted to go an inch wide and a mile deep into the Pentagon of Wellness: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual & Financial.

Your host Josh Trent asks the questions no one else will ask to garner the truth about how to live a life of confidence, freedom, and optimal wellness—this is where together we walk the path of courage to cross the gap between knowing and doing.

Learn from world class leaders in the fields of physical intelligence, breathwork, emotional intelligence, behavior change, wellness, nutrition, behavioral psychology, habits, mindset, fitness, health, strength training, organic supplementation, biohacking, body transformation, psychedelics, mindfulness, meditation, neuroscience, mental health, spirituality, consciousness, the (7) pillars of wellness to live life well and (EI²)™ Emotional Intelligence + Inventory.

Jun 21, 2019

Authenticity lies in the seed of your soul. When you explore your authenticity, you will be aligned and feel at home with yourself. By being authentically you, you will no longer be fighting your thoughts, you will feel comfortable in your own skin, and life isn't confusing or confronting anymore. - Vanessa Lambert

What specific tools, guides, and practices can bring you back home to your authentic self?


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Wellness Force Radio Episode 280

Co-Founder of Bee The Wellness, Personal Coach, and Co-Host of the Bee The Wellness Podcast, Vanessa Lambert, shares her own inner struggles to be herself, how to get back in alignment with your soul contract, what you will learn in her Authentic Self Program, and why we sometimes find it difficult to process, experience, and let go of our emotions.

Discover how to break old habits and create easy pathways that will lead you to be the person you are meant to be.


Bee The Wellness

Authentic Self Program


Vanessa and her husband Adam at BeeTheWellness run amazing coaching programs including Vanessa’s Life Mastery program Authentic Self, as well as badass retreats all around the world!


Listen To Episode 280 As Vanessa Lambert Uncovers:

  • The importance of having as much fun as you can in life to lighten stressful emotions.
  • How doing an internship at the Berkeley Psychic Institute changed her life as she learned how to help others discover their own intuition, reveal their deepest power, and understand how to work with the energy around them.
  • What made her and Adam feel truly called to coach people in one-on-one sessions and retreats.
  • The soul contract and free will of choice that we all have to create whatever experiences we want in life.
  • How a near-death experience allowed her to reemerge with her soul and stay on the path she was meant to follow for Bee The Wellness.
  • Who her Authentic Self Program is for and how it's broken down into three modules over 9 months.
  • The importance of really investing yourself and committing to doing the inner work for long periods of time rather than just relying on a quick fix to get you there.
  • Her own inner work process including letting go of the past, negative thoughts, struggles, and toxic emotions.
  • Why we struggle so much with the process of feeling our emotions, experiencing them, and finally letting them go.
  • Her experience with plant medicine and how it has helped her surrender her struggles and emotions in order to connect to something bigger than herself.

Learn More

  • Why the plant medicine experience begins as soon as people feel called and have decided to take part in a future ceremony.
  • The fact that plant medicines and psychedelics have come so far in helping people heal and yet this concept is still so new for the American society.
  • How the brain is naturally wired to have a neural network that was established when we were in our mid to late teens and how you can differentiate yourself from who you were then to who you are now.
  • Why experiencing HALT - Hungry, Lonely, Angry, Tired will keep us from moving forward and letting go of old thoughts, struggles, and emotions.
  • The power of getting a good night's sleep to help you show up strong in the world the next day.
  • What helped her realize she needed to hit the pause button and incorporate more stillness in her life. 
  • How you can create and cultivate stillness in just a single breath when you have a busy schedule to keep up with. 
  • Why getting into your body and moving when you're in a shame spiral can be extremely beneficial to take action and move forward from negative thoughts.
  • Her own experiences with low-frequency vibrations including shame.

Power Quotes From The Show

"Exploring your authenticity is how you get into alignment and to another place where you're at home with yourself. When you are authentically you, you are not constantly fighting yourself anymore." - Vanessa Lambert

Accepting Your Unique Self

"I was fighting this idea of who I should be rather than who I really am. I was fighting the vision of who I thought I was supposed to become, the world I was supposed to live in, and what I was supposed to represent rather than just being me. A lot of us are going through that same struggle of having a duality of which version is really us and which version are we going to commit to being." - Vanessa Lambert


A Commitment For Positive Change

"We're all super addicted to quick fixes but to make real change, you have to commit to the process, practice, and follow it for a while. This isn't just a 21-day fix, this is about really digging deep to uncover your authentic self." - Vanessa Lambert


Love Is The Answer

"Love is the answer. At the end of the day, we get to reconnect with love in whatever way that helps us have deeper respect, a better relationship, and hone our skill with love because it is a skill. Love is granted to everyone but we don't necessarily feel that way about it all the time and it really is a skill to understand how to cultivate it, express it, and work with the pattern of love in our lives. For me, being a human and being in the human experience is really about understanding how to come into oneness with love." - Vanessa Lambert


Your Soul Contract

"Your soul has a contract with what it wants to work on within this lifetime and you're definitely put into a path of opportunity to explore the things that will give your soul a deeper and richer experience of itself but I think it all comes back to love. It seems so simple and easy but that's it; it all comes back to that essence of love." - Vanessa Lambert


Links From Today's Show


About Vanessa Lambert

Vanessa LambertA health and fitness enthusiast since childhood, Vanessa Lambert came into coaching quite accidentally. As a promising young gymnast, her coach asked if she would instruct the introductory classes at her gym. Her natural love of the movement was only deepened by sharing it with others.

There began her basis of learning to coach and her understanding of the unique importance of the teacher-student relationship. No stranger to competitive sport, Vanessa played soccer, basketball, swam competitively, and was also co-captain of her cheerleading squad.

A Natural Coach

In her early 20’s she moved to Maui to improve her surfing practice and became one of the first female surf instructors in the Hawaiian islands and a true force in the water. She and Adam were also an integral part of the CrossFit NorCal team that took third place in the affiliate games in 2009. Throughout her life, she continued to evolve her diet in order to better fuel her performance and her busy schedule. In fact, Vanessa had already embraced the Paleo diet when she began training with Robb Wolf as a client. She had seen the dramatic benefits of doing so and was delighted to find out that not only did her coach agree, but he was one of the thought leaders on the subject.

The Start of Bee The Wellness

It would be her years at Norcal Strength and Conditioning training under the tutelage of Robb and his wife Nicki, that her ancestral wellness practice would deepen. After relocating to Los Angeles to pursue her music career, Vanessa was introduced to Mark Sisson. Working closely with Mark at the Primal Blueprint headquarters over the last four years, Vanessa developed the personal coaching program, Primal’s luxury retreat vacations, and has become a staple at the PrimalCon events where she and Adam coach the fundamentals of weightlifting and gymnastics. Vanessa feels truly blessed for having worked with the best and the brightest in the ancestral health world.

This experience is what motivated her to co-create the Bee The Wellness program with her husband Adam. These days, her focus is to help as many people as possible become the very best version of themselves.


Bee The Wellness

Meditation Challenge
Featuring Vanessa Lambert

Click here to download theBee The Wellness Meditation Challenge Featuring Vanessa Lambert

Vanessa LambertAt Bee The Wellness we believe that, as part of a holistic wellness plan, we should integrate and expand our mindfulness practice. We have created the Bee The Wellness Meditation Challenge as a stand-alone program or complement to our Unveil Your Wellness Personal Paleo Lifestyle Coaching.

Join Vanessa Lambert as she takes you on a journey of daily guided meditations. Each day you will explore a new theme like love, friendship, or healing. Integrate mindfulness work as a part of your wellness practice and cultivate a picture of limitless love, abundance, and infinite success.

Included is the entire first volume of guided meditations written and performed by Vanessa “Nesta!” Lambert

Progressive Relaxation, Healing Breath Work, Releasing Stuck Energy, Total Relaxation, Vulnerability, Habits, Decisions, Gratitude, Forgiveness, I Am As I Think, Distraction Energy, Chakra Tuning, Spinal Expansion, Friendship & Intimacy, Humor, Nourishment, Money, Love, Peace, Change


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