Oct 13, 2020
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Director of The Family Constellation Institute, The Inherited Trauma Institute and The Hellinger Institute of Northern California, and Author of It Didn't Start with You, Mark Wolynn, returns to share the latest science and cutting edge research on healing generational trauma, how his Bridging Question helps people identify non-verbal trauma language, the map to find your unique core wound, and how to heal a family relationship without doing it in person.
Discover how you can cultivate awareness and embody the healing necessary to, once and for all, let go of inherited anxiety, pain, fear, and persistent mystery conditions.
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"The Bridging Question is a tool to help us get to our symptom picture, how we're suffering, and to see if it's connected in the family history. This helps us look at our worst fear and decipher if it actually comes from inherited generational trauma or not. It's a way to outline and distill down to this nugget of gold because it's one of those questions that when we get to the answer, our body starts to reverberate. If someone's greatest fear is that they will harm a child and they ask themselves the question, 'Have I ever harmed a child?', and the answer is, 'no.' Then you ask yourself the bridging question, 'Has anyone in my family ever harmed a child?' The answer to that Bridging Question and how you feel after asking yourself it will help you down the path of healing." - Mark Wolynn
"The language such as that in the Bridging Question that we ask to follow and understand our family history doesn't have to be verbal. What I've discovered is there's 'verbal trauma language' and then there's 'nonverbal trauma language.' When a trauma language is verbal, that's when we say to ourselves, 'I'll be abandoned,' or 'I'll be left behind,' but when it's nonverbal, we have to look for the events in our family history. The physical, the emotional symptoms that show up after something unsettling that happens to us. We look for the fears or anxieties that strike suddenly when we reach a particular age. Often it's the same age as when something happened in the family history." - Mark Wolynn
Director of The Family Constellation Institute, The Inherited Trauma Institute and The Hellinger Institute of Northern California, Mark Wolynn is North America’s leader in Inherited Family Trauma. A sought-after lecturer, he leads workshops at hospitals, clinics, conferences, and teaching centers around the world. He has taught at the University of Pittsburgh, the Western Psychiatric Institute, Kripalu, The New York Open Center, The Omega Institute, The California Institute of Integral Studies.
His book IT DIDN’T START WITH YOU: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle (Viking/Penguin) is the winner of the 2016 Silver Nautilus Book Award in psychology. Mark specializes in working with depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, fears, panic disorders, self-injury, chronic pain, and persistent symptoms and conditions.
Mark is a Summa Cum Laude graduate in English and Psychology from the University of Pittsburgh. His graduate work at the University of Pittsburgh and at the University of Arizona was also in English. Mark has published poetry in The New Yorker.
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