Feb 2, 2021
Boost your immunity and calm your
mind with freedom from chronic stress in the modern world.
A 21 day guided breath and wellness program using ancient wisdom
to boost your immunity, calm your mind, and give you freedom from
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Combining special breathwork infused with safe vape cannabidiol,
BREATHE gives you everything you need to let go of old weight,
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In this special (limited time) offer, you will receive:
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Listen To Episode 383 As Josh
Trent Uncovers:
[1:30] Josh's Own Hero's Journey
- BREATHE: Breath and Wellness Program
- Cured Nutrition
- NoBS Wellness Podcast |
Episode 51: Self-Love is A Practice & A Choice
Josh's background and why he became interested in
What living life well means to mean and why he needed to
reprogram all of his past subconscious, mental, and
behavior programs to do
Josh's background growing up in a difficult childhood on
government welfare, a mother with bipolar disease, and his dad
leaving when he was very young.
Why Josh turned to food as he struggled with difficult
emotions such as anger, sadness,
disappointment, and frustration.
The work he has done to reconnect with young Josh to love him,
let him know he is loved, and hold him.
Exploring the
Hero's Journey that we all go on
at some point and why it's more challenging for some than
Answering the question, 'What makes people shift and begin to
take responsibility for their life?"
[18:00] The Time To Change Is Now
Why positive emotions such as
self-love, not anger, are what
inspire us to change.
Where the seed of change was planted in Josh and why it's
never a perfect garden for anyone starting their
wellness journey.
Why feelings are just pointing down to emotion and emotion is
really energy in motion that comes from ourselves or the
collective unconscious.
What the emotional contagion is and why we can catch emotions
and feelings from other people but also the collective
negative emotions of anger,
fear, despair, self-hatred is being spread amongst the collective
Why we really need to take a deeper look at how we have
treated one another in
society especially the
patriarchy towards women.
The unconscious capitalistic model that has been created in
society up until now as we're starting to take responsibility for
our actions.
Why we're either in despair or we have the courage to go
towards our dream and really what is love.
Who you should look to include in your
wellness tribe as you move along
your journey.
[25:30] Deeper Connection Through Breathwork
How to look for someone that you can confide in and how to
drop the idea of being perfect.
How to honor your emotions and why crying is love and is
journaling has been a great way for
Nicole to reconnect with her emotions.
The fact that the element of self-love is not talked about
enough in our modern society and why that needs to change
Why self-love isn't a light switch that you can just turn on;
it takes practice and time to cultivate in your life.
Exploring the fact that the
beliefs that aren't challenged
are the ones that can never change.
Why we have to own our sh*t and love it just like you do your
partner, mother, father, or sibling.
The hard truths and lessons Josh has learned about self-love
and being comfortable in his body.
[36:00] All We Are Is Love
Why vices like partying and drinking call to us because we
feel like something is missing and we're trying to fill that
Why there's an emotion that's always connected to the physical
feedback loops.
What tools Josh recommends for those who are new to exploring
Various forms of breathwork and
guided meditations you will find
in Josh's breathwork.io program.
Why breathwork is actually a good training tool if you
struggle to lay still during
What the
Default Mode Network is and why
breathwork practices will turn it off so we can come back to
focused attention and heart connection.
Why at the end of the day, all we are is love.
- Paul Chek | All Is God:
Three Part Series
The fact that self-love has to be a daily practice of
surrender and
Why self-love may not be easy, but it's very simple.
Why a monstrosity of a
challenge can actually be the
Universe forcing you to grow or forcing you to retract.
Unpacking why self-love is actually your own choice that is
there for you when you are ready.
Why you shouldn't force yourself towards any journey unless
you truly want to pursue it.
[44:00] Why Breathwork Should Be In Your Life
- Why Josh created the BREATHE: Breath and Wellness program at
breathwork.io and why
he believes breathwork is so beneficial for
Temporary stress vs. long-term
stress and what leads people to
feel this way for an extended amount of time.
Unpacking our fight or flight system and why it can be a good
thing but we shouldn't allow it to master us.
Breaking down the physical aspects of breathwork and how it is
used to help the
mind and body.
Exploring why it feels so good to take a deep, big breath from
The structure of Josh's breathwork.io program and what people
can expect from it when they follow it.
Why it takes between 21 and 66 days for us to change our
behavior and build new
What various practices are included at breathwork.io from
guided ones that focus on acute stress to cathartic journeys.
The two different types of
breathing that humans do: Either
a box breath or a circular breath.
[1:00:00] Josh's Top Three Tips For A Journey of Wellbeing
Josh's favorite pieces of advice to help guide you on your
journey towards
wellbeing; no matter where you
are at right now.
How to take an honest pause and just be real with yourself
without judgment or
shame of where you are
Why breathwork is a beautiful start to living a better life
and then look for other tools to help you such as journaling,
therapy, or group work.
How to be extremely mindful of who is in your space including
not just people but your phone.
Why apathy and despair are the lowest levels of
vibration we can be at compared to
anger and frustration.
How to defeat evil by focusing on the good instead of feeding
it with constant negative thoughts and emotions.
Power Quotes From The
Self-Love Is A Choice
"Self-love is a practice and a choice. Self-love is not
something that we can just get inspired to do one day. We can get
inspired to start it but it's not a quick switch. The one thing
that no one is doing is owning their shit. You have to own it and
love it just like you love your partner, your parent, or your
sibling. What I've discovered after years of work on this and
training is that unless I'm truly living in my body and comfortable
in it, no other form of love or healing will come to me. I love
where I live in my body because it's all that I have; our bodies
are all that any of us actually have." - Josh
Breath Will Lead You To Awareness
"The breath is the only thing that we can be in communion with
and we can control. There's nothing in this world that we can be in
communion with and control like the breath. We can't beat our own
heart, we can't digest our own food; we just can't. We can control
what thoughts we indulge in and we can control how we breathe -
that's it. If we can breathe then we can choose but if we can't
choose then we're probably not breathing. If we're not breathing
right then we're a slave to our emotions and then we're a slave to
the people that dangle the puppeteer strings in our society but the
breath will lead us to awareness." - Josh
The Wellness Journey On Your Terms
"The self-love quotient is a daily practice of surrender and
awareness. That sounds super-advanced but it's not; actually, it's
really simple but again, it's not easy. The reason why daily
practice and awareness are so challenging is because life is very
complex and complicated. We might have our whole healing modality
planned out for three quarters and have everything listed on a
paper and how we're going to heal and love ourselves and then your
kid throws up on your lap or your son gets in an accident or you
lose a job. Anytime I've ever had a monstrosity of challenge, it's
the universe forcing me to grow or retract and there's no shame in
that either. You make the change to love yourself in a daily
practice of surrender and awareness because you're ready; not when
I or anyone else says you're ready." - Josh
Links From Today's
About Josh Trent
Josh Trent is the Founder
of Wellness Force Media and host of the
Wellness Force Podcast.
Josh has spent the past 18 years as a trainer, researcher, and
facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for
humans to thrive in our modern world.
The Wellness Force Mission is to help humans
heal mental, emotional and physical health through podcasts,
programs, and a global community that believe in optimizing our
potential to live life well.
Josh's life is dedicated to supporting humanity coming
together as one.
After publishing over 400 high-level interviews with some of the
most respected minds in the health, wellness, and self-help
industries, Josh has been spotlighted in major wellness media
outlets such as Onnit, Spartan, SEALFIT, and Paleo f(x).
BREATHE: Breath & Wellness Program
Josh holds a C.E.S certification from the National Academy of
Sports Medicine, and is the creator of the BREATHE, Breath & Wellness Program:
A 21 day guided breath and wellness program using
ancient wisdom to boost your immunity, calm your mind, and give you
freedom from chronic stress in the modern world.
Combining special breathing meditations infused with safe
vape cannabidiol, BREATHE gives you
everything you need to let go of old weight, destress, and build
immunity so you can live your best life.
Civilized Caveman
In 2019 Josh also became the CEO of Civilized Caveman, helping women and men
live better through practical tools for wellness, personal
development, and paleo-friendly recipes.

Build Immunity. Breathe Deeply.
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