Sep 27, 2015
JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the Director of
Invisible Fitness. She is an Amazon best-selling author of Fit 2
Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to
Attract the Love of Your Life and was named Best Personal Trainer
in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine.
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A Message from your host, Josh Trent:
Habits can be hard to change.
Trust me, I've had my own struggles around the deleterious
ones and quieting the big bad wolf inside my head.
At times of victimhood, my life has even felt like just one big
hurdle after another.
Can you relate?
When I was 8 years old I watched my mom get carried out on a
Her illness created a certain type of fear file that I'd access at
pivotal times in my life.
When I was 16, I missed a month of school, had reconstructive sinus
surgery and decimated my gut flora with a year of
With limited health knowledge and ways to cope as an
adolescent, eating unhealthy foods allowed me to hide for
Since then, I've learned that doing the real transformational work,
both on the inside and the outside, including my mind and my
body, has made all the difference.
I've ultimately learned that we all need more wellness, and we also
need each other.
This week on Wellness Force
Radio, we're bringing you not one, but
two FREE powerful EP's to get more wellness in your
- Josh Trent
Are You Interested In Changing Old Habits With New Technology?
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