May 10, 2016
This week we showcase an encore interview with two of those most sought after body intelligence coaches and best-selling authors in the world.
Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., and Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D., are pioneers in the fields of conscious relationships and body intelligence and the authors of more than 30 books, including best sellers such as Conscious Loving, The Big Leap, and Five Wishes. During the past 30 years they have appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows and networks, including Oprah, CNN, CNBC, and CBS's 48 hours.
In 1989 they founded the Hendricks Institute, which offers seminars annually in North America, Asia, and Europe. Their nonprofit organization, The Foundation for Conscious Living, funds research, Films, and scholarships in the areas of conscious relationships and natural well-being.
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"Being out of integrity with your genius causes a wobble that destabilizes your relationship, work, and health.” - Gay Hendricks
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Aloha! Josh here.
Listen, I deeply value your thoughts, now let your voice be heard! I thrive to serve better based on your words, feedback, and requests for the Wellness Force Community. (including breaking bad habits)
So nice!
You read all the way to the bottom? That's what I call love! I do the same thing for the people, things, and movements I care about as well.
PS: Looks like you and I share the same passion. I'm grateful for you and want to extend you my email address.
Write to me and let me know what you'd like to have to get more wellness in your life!