Oct 4, 2016
"You don't find your purpose. You fight for it. When you clear your space and put yourself in a place where you can just really start listening more, it will appear. It's that thing that's always been there that you love, and that you think isn't possible." - Drew Canole
Drew Canole radically transformed his life in an effort to prove to himself and to others that regardless of where you’re at, transformation is possible.
"Why do I want it?"
Too many people float through life with no rhyme or reason as to what they hope a transformation will do for them. They might know "what" they want, but they often don't know why they want it.
It's painful for many people, but I'm here to tell you, it doesn't have to be. Here's the deal. The leading motivation that will fuel your transformation is your answer to one simple question.
"Why do I want it?"
It's crucial that you know the answer. Treat it like it's your best friend. Keep feeding it. This is the most important thing, because when you don’t feel like eating healthy or working out, your answer will remind you why you started in the first place. Often, it's all the motivation you need to complete your transformation."
"My parents taught us that money didn't make the person and that a true persons value came from their heart and what they did for others.” - Drew Canole
Fueled by small-town values and a big vision for a better planet, Drew Canole begins each day with one simple goal in mind – to positively impact the lives of others. Through his work as a Personal Coach and endeavors such as EnrichYourExistence.com and FitLife.tv, Drew aims to inspire and motivate others to search deep within themselves to create an abundant, healthy and fulfilling life. "Improve one life; improve the world."
Drew was born and raised in the small, rural community of Lake City in Northern Michigan. After attending Central Michigan University, he launched a successful career in finance before recognizing that his greatest talent was helping others discover their untapped potential. He currently resides in San Diego, where his work as an author, fitness specialist and transformation expert has made him one of the most reputable Personal Coaches in Southern California.
Drew is committed to the conviction that people are at their best when challenged. He pushes others to bust through personal barriers and reach new heights in physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
"I'm just focused on what brings me to life. And me coming to life, when people see that, that's magic. Not only are they inspired in that moment and want to drink green juice, but they also start to see what's possible with who they are in themselves." - Drew Canole
"I am Drew Canole. I could delve into a list of my accomplishments and accolades, highlighting my tenure as a successful entrepreneur and Internet marketer, but I’ll spare you. Time is precious. Instead, I shall use this time to hopefully touch your soul and shift it for eternity. You see, most people live their whole lives doing something that they are not really “here to do.” For anybody who feels pulled, who feels the whole world is smiling at them, I offer guidance. For those who have found their flow or are working on their muse, I offer this – do it.
Drew Canole is merely a name that has been given to me. Today is a day like any other day in my life. My purpose is far greater than any 10 letters, and my days are devoted to helping people discover a life they never realized existed. My dream and my hope is much bigger than the physical man that I am. If you feel like you are here for a purpose, contact me. If you need help discovering what that purpose is, I am interested in hearing about the "real" you. After all, the world needs more people like us.
I am Drew Canole. Who are you?"
"Two of the biggest transformations in my life thus far required a stripping away of relationships that were holding me back or keeping me small, but I imagine that the opposite can be true - that deep, spiritual connection in relationship can spark a transformation as well.
I'd love to hear Drew's viewpoint on the power of relationship in catalyzing personal transformation. I'd also love to know how he strikes a balance when it comes to transformation - that desire to go deep within, which perhaps could be construed by others as being "selfish" or too focused on the self, versus being in relationship, which can sometimes feel like a distraction from the transformation itself.
Is there a middle ground, and if so, what are his viewpoints in finding that center?"
"I’d love to know how Drew achieves BALANCE in his life. With all I have going on, I sometimes feel like I put all my eggs in one basket and then another area of my life suffers."
His transformation clients include celebrities, entrepreneurs, CEO's, authors and personal development gurus.
The success of his first book on Juicing Recipes vaulted him to national attention as a first time author and has garned media and television attention in the form of book deals, TV talk show hosting and national endorsements from some of the leading national companies focused on health, wellness and athletics.
Aloha! Josh here. Listen, I deeply value your thoughts, now let your voice be heard. I live to serve the Wellness Force even better based on your words, feedback, and requests. (including how these episodes can allow you to break bad habits)
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So nice!
You read all the way to the bottom? That's what I call love! I do the same thing for the people, things, and movements I care about as well.
PS: Looks like you and I share the same passion. I'm grateful for you and want to extend you my email address.
Write to me and let me know what you'd like to have to get more wellness in your life!