Sep 25, 2018
Ned is really for those who are looking to improve and it can be for anyone. We want to be there as a first line of defense for people before they have to resort to doctors and pharmaceuticals. I will never not question medicine because there's always a time for it. However, that doesn't mean that if I have a panic attack that I should all of a sudden be put on a Xanax prescription that I can't get off for the next ten years." - Ret Taylor
Despite the common misconception, hemp does not get you high. Truthfully, it has been used naturally for thousands of years to support the health and wellness of our minds and bodies.
In Wellness Force Radio episode 233, Entrepreneurs, Natural Remedy Seekers, and Co-Founders of Ned & Co, Ret Taylor and Adriaan Zimmerman, explain the differences between full spectrum hemp oil and marijuana; share other alternatives, natural forms of medicine including forest bathing; and explain how hemp oil can be used to help decrease anxiety, stress, or emotional distress along with other resources and lifestyle changes.
Listen and find out how hemp oil helps regulate homeostasis in nearly every biological system in your body, helping bring balance to body and mind.
"We don't want to be just a hemp oil company. We are searching the world for the best, natural remedies. In five years time, we'd love for Ned to be that alternative to a pharmacy."- @adriaanz of #Ned on @wellnessforce Radio episode 233
Learn all about Ned's full-spectrum hemp oil products
“Everything in life is vibration.” – Albert Einstein
From seed to bottle, all Ned Full Spectrum Hemp products are energetically infused with love, gratitude, and positive vibrations.
By the time our products reach you, we’ve taken every possible step to ensure you’re receiving the very best of everything, including the right energy and vibrations.
"Plants will give you their medicine if you treat them with respect. We extract at room temperature and with no pressure; that's our way of respecting the plant & asking it to give us its medicine." - #RetTaylor of #Ned on @wellnessforce Radio episode 233
"I started researching why I'm so drawn to nature and through that process, I realized my purpose. I'm here to help people, businesses, and organizations reconnect with nature. So, Ned is very much an extension of that for me." - Ret Taylor
"I was living this life in New York City that I thought I wanted but I ended up just feeling empty. At the end of the day, there was no connection to nature. I'd grown up going to my grandparent's farm in Finland every summer and my family had these 4 acres that I enjoyed as a child but by the time I was 30, I had completely severed this relationship I had with the natural world. I had worked so hard to accomplish becoming this type of person and build this identity for myself but it essentially all just became a life raft for me and I started to question what I was really here for." - Adriaan Zimmerman
"Whether it's insomnia, anxiety, pain, or cancer, many people who seek out hemp oil resources do so because they are stuck in a prison. Through nature, we're able to thrive and the deeper connection we have with nature, the more we're able to thrive. That's why we as a society are not thriving as much as we could. As soon as we go to the mountains and stand beneath the Redwoods, that's when the thriving begins to happen. That's what we're really trying to do with Ned; to take something from nature and to do it as ethically, simply, and naturally as possible, put it in a bottle, and let people know exactly where this hemp oil comes from." - Ret Taylor
"We don't want to be just a hemp oil company. We are searching the world for the best, natural remedies and we plan to bring many of those back home under the Ned label. In five years time, we'd love for Ned to be that alternative to a pharmacy so you won't have to go sift through all sorts of literature and endless aisles at the drugstore. Instead, we'll just make it simpler for you with natural, whole products. That's our mission beyond hemp oil." - Adriaan Zimmerman
"Plants will give you their medicine if you treat them with respect. If you take those plants and throw them in a thrasher and then extract them at a super high temperature with massive amounts of pressure, you will get some medicine out but you don't know how good that medicine is or what its molecular structure and profile looks like. We extract at room temperature and with no pressure; that's our way of respecting the plant at the end of its life and asking it to give us its medicine." - Ret Taylor
Ned ™ was officially born one cold October morning on an alpine climbing expedition in the heart of Colorado’s Indian Peaks Wilderness.
After spending years in different industries chasing our previous ideas of "success" in some of the world’s busiest cities, we had come to the realization that there is something fundamentally broken about the way we, as a modern society, are approaching our health and well-being. Many of us are feeling the consequences of device addiction, stress, anxiety, and a multitude of other ailments that have come to rule our lives. We are too quick to turn to doctors and prescription drugs as a first line of defense.
We were reminded, in our own ways, that the best answers often lie in nature… in a walk through the forest; in the glow of a campfire; and in the plants, herbs, roots, fungi, and the very soil that our ancestors have used for millennia.
That is why we created Ned.
We knew that getting into the elements on that October morning would fuel the creative wave we were riding. The two of us set out in blizzard conditions and, sure enough, by the time we were thawing out over well-earned burritos, we had built our foundation.
Ned is a representation of our passion for feeling better and living better through simple means and a deep connection to the natural world. We truly believe we were put on this earth to share in the wonderment of nature and rediscover all of the healing power that it holds.
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You read all the way to the bottom? That's what I call love!
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