Mar 5, 2019
When we realize that we are not our thoughts or actions, we can begin to become less attached to what we were and create a new version of ourselves. - Stefanos Sifandos
Do you wake up in the morning being pulled by life or do
you have to push and trudge every day? Are you living a life of
truth? If not, then let's
explore it together.
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On Wellness Force Radio episode 260, Relational Alchemist, International Speaker and Author, Stefanos Sifandos, shares why we have so much more to do as a society as far as evolutionary wholeness, what men's work means to him and how it can help a man who is struggling with himself, and the evolution of masculinity and femininity in this modern world.
Listen and discover how shifting his mindset through breath, sound and movement transformed how Stefanos sees himself, others, and how others see him.
Join Stefanos for The Most Comprehensive Men's Transformation Program
Join Stefanos and a tribe of inspired men on a
3-month journey as we explore our depths, inner strength and evolve
our consciousness . . . all by following ancient wisdom blended
with cutting-edge modern practices.
We come together as a tribe of empowered men willing to transform for the better.
To expand our consciousness, access to inner resources and connect, bond and unite as strong & empowered men to open our minds and hearts to the world that has been bestowed upon our feet.
You will be guided, facilitated, directed and asked to contribute meaningfully your life experience.
You will not be judged, you will grow, you will be challenged and you will experience being a man through a new lens – a supportive, empowered and life-changing lens.
You will learn the difference between being a good man and being good at being a man!
Reclaim your kingdom – a warrior’s code is predicated on the uniquely put together 12 principles, which form the conscious warrior model. This ethos is about reframing the manner in which men behave, become and move through the world. The manner in which we ‘see’ ourselves and the manner in which we learn to forgive, create, release and evolve.
This program is a pragmatic and practical way to evolve our ways leveraging ancient wisdom and modern techniques (such as neuroscience, modern psychology, eastern mysticism and evolutionary psychology to mention a few) to allow us to be more connected, intelligent, adaptive, strong, inclusive and lovingly open men – to ultimately revere women and children and to learn to step humbly into our authentic power and of course revere ourselves.
"Stress' is the high-achiever's word for 'fear.'" - Stefanos Sifandos
"Compensatory strategies are developed and cultivated when we're very young and we bring them into our adult lives and relationships. However, they don't really have a place. We don't need to behave in that extreme yet we do anyway because we're coming from a set of unconscious feelings or fears. So, when we begin to do a self-inventory, it's normal that we don't really know where to look, it's really difficult to do on our own, and we feel stuck in our trauma." - Stefanos Sifandos
"Instead of justifying our trauma, pain, and fear as being normal parts of our lives, we need an inventory. Something that we could be taught as young people is to take regular inventory of our lives. Whether or not you think something is "wrong" with you, at the end of every day, take inventory of your life. How did you behave and think? Were you happy with your thoughts and interactions? How did you relate to others? How did you give and receive love? Did you experience pain, fear, or discomfort? What was the cause of discomfort? Have you noticed those patterns of discomfort before? We're not taught to be self-reflective or self-critical in our culture often enough." - Stefanos Sifandos
"I don't like to say, 'I'm stressed,' because it makes me feel weak. I'd rather say, 'I'm scared' of something. I don't have a healthy fear with stress and underpinning that is a fear as well. To me, saying, 'I'm stressed,' is like saying, 'I'm not good enough to cope with what I'm producing, doing, or facing,' and I don't like that." - Stefanos Sifandos
"What does it mean to have a yearning to actually grow and be better than you were yesterday? I don't know what it means for you; that's something you have to answer on your own. When we start paying attention to ourselves through conscious awareness, we get to learn more about ourselves but we also have to be okay with being uncomfortable. If we unpack something that's painful, there are several tools available to us that we can use: journaling, support groups, psychologists, spiritual work, or anything that resonates with you that can help. That will help you cultivate resilience in the body and in the mind." - Stefanos Sifandos
"The desire to be self-reflective requires work and effort. Today, in contemporary times without the application of effort, we're losing the essence of who we are as men. As we've evolutionarily grown, we have become accustomed to being in involatile environments. Our bodies are made to work and the more physical work the body does, the healthier the body is." - Stefanos Sifandos
"Too many men live in lies and we come across either shady, confused, manipulative, or untrustworthy. Why do we do that? It's because we're valuing values like status, accumulation of material goods, or how others see us over being just genuine and living in our truth. We don't even realize we're doing it and if you want to be attractive to a woman, you have to be the truth." - Stefanos Sifandos
Stefanos is a Relational Alchemist,
International Speaker and Author who facilitates transformational
growth through neuro-empowerment practices, an integration of
spiritual praxis and western psychology to improve, evolve and
enhance the quality of your relationships.
By integrating the best of eastern and western methodologies and philosophies and using integrative techniques methods Stefanos has created programs and systems to enhance the quality of your life, your relationship and in essence, bring them closer to their potential.