Jul 26, 2019
A porn addict is looking for connection, warmth, and comfort but they're scared of being vulnerable and rejected by someone in real life. So, the brain has found a synthetic version of the connection they're craving. There's nothing wrong with wanting to feel intimacy but we have been conditioned to be less relational as far as eye-to-eye, person-to-person contact. - Greg Woodhill
What exactly are the detrimental effects of porn and sex addiction to both the brain and heart?
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Licensed psychotherapist in the fields of family and marriage as well as sex and porn addiction plus the host of the A Brave New Man Podcast, Greg Woodhill, LMFT, CSAT, shares why inner conflict is driving our addictions, why all porn addicts really just want connection, and how porn trains the mind to be less understanding and passionate compared to what we can learn from a real-life relationship.
Listen and find out why people often gravitate towards porn when they're trying to work through unresolved issues from the past.
Click here to listen to A Brave New Man Podcast
Do you want to be a better man or have a better relationship with your man?
Then follow along with Greg Woodhill as he interviews experts and non-experts on masculinity, love and connection. Topics range from cheating & infidelity, to the Me Too movement, porn addiction and happy relationships.
"A pornosexual is not a sexual orientation but someone who would rather be with pornography than a man, woman, both, or neither. Pornography has become their first choice because that is what they're attracted to. It doesn't mean that all of a sudden they're not attracted to real people but it means that when someone sees a person they're attracted to, they have the need to go watch porn." - Greg Woodhill
"When someone becomes so consumed by pornography that it takes their natural drive and funnels it into a place that is solo, secretive, and far less dangerous and scary than walking up to a person and saying, "Hello," so that they can reject you while porn can't, it takes the brain to a level of hyper-stimulation because the amount of dopamine that is created in their brain is far greater than what a real-life encounter can create. I'm not saying porn is better or more exciting, any in-person physicality or romance is far better in every way but as far as dopamine, porn creates a craving so intense that it's all people want instead of trying to finding a way to enrich their life with a real person because they're afraid of rejection." - Greg Woodhill
"We are all born with the essence of love. That's it, that's who we are. You don't need to learn to love or love yourself, you need to allow the love that you were born with and remove the obstacles that are in front of it. One of the biggest obstacles to feeling peace, love, joy, connection, and intimacy with other people, for a lot of people, especially young men, is the fact that porn is their lifeline." - Greg Woodhill
Greg Woodhill, MFT, CSAT is a licensed psychotherapist who has spent thousands of hours directly helping sex and porn addicts recover from their addictions. He strongly believes that true psychological and emotional growth can only occur in a safe environment, which he provides for his clients through long-term therapeutic work.
He holds a Master’s Degree from the University of Santa Monica, where he developed his personal therapeutic style of empathic listening, exploring early childhood trauma, and encouraging personal responsibility. He is a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist and spent 5 years working at the Center For Healthy Sex in Los Angeles under the mentorship of Alexandra Katehakis.
He is passionate about the topic of addiction in all shapes and sizes, and he loves working with addicts to help them recover their passion and strength so that they can create true intimacy in their lives.