Nov 17, 2020
God is a sphere who circumferences nowhere that goes
infinitely forever and a center whose location is everywhere. So,
if God is a sphere who circumferences nowhere and centers
everywhere and you know you are a center, then no matter what you
put out in the world has to come back to you because you're the
center of the universe. You are a point of consciousness with
self-reference. Without you, there is no universe. There is no you
or me. There is no day, no night, no life, no anything. You are at
the epicenter of everything. - Paul Chek
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Wellness Force Radio Episode 370
Author of How to Eat, Move and Be
Healthy, Creator of
the PPS Success Mastery
Program, Host of the Living 4D with Paul Chek
Podcast, Founder of the C.H.E.K. Institute, Paul Chek, returns to Wellness Force for the three-part
series, All Is God.
In Part 2, Paul explains the
relationship between God and money, explores these truths and myths
about God that Western religion has abused, how we can be a mirror
for healing in this world, why the center of the universe exists
inside of us, how karma comes back to us, and why there's truly no
God to save us except for the God inside of us.
With so much pain in the
world, how can we be a beacon of light to heal
Listen to Part 2 of All Is
God as Paul Chek shares how we can be a citizen of the world.
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Listen To Episode 369 As Paul
Chek Uncovers In All Is
God | Part 2 of 3:
[14:00] Why We're The Center Of The Universe
[23:00] The Wounds That Money Creates
[32:00] The Karma That Comes Back To Us
How we accumulate
karma and the belief
that it can take three lifetimes for the universe to rearrange
yourself for you to experience that karma.
- Paramahansa
Why the
universe will absorb
the karma when we do something bad unconsciousnessly like become
involved in an accident.
Exploring union experiences with God and why it takes both of
you to complete it.
How great love,
healers, and leaders
come forth from people who have witnessed trauma or have done
horrible things.
Why the
ego is the opposite
spiritual development
as it has a tremendous resent of any legitimate spiritual path
because it all spells death to the ego.
What practice he gives his students to help them really see
themselves and take responsibility for their choices and
Why we need something bigger than ourselves like
COVID-19 to bring us
all together.
[43:00] There Is No God To 'Save Us'
Why we're at a moment in the development of man where we have
to take responsibility for our decisions, analyze what we're taught
with religious ideas, and be very wary of any ideas that segregate
us from other people.
How people who want to help others can actually do it by
giving money to education and similar resources to help people
Breaking down why there is no
God that can save us.
Why it's been said that Western religions are for children and
Eastern ones are for adults.
Unpacking why we should just be following the Golden Rule and
not the rest of the Bible: "Do unto others as you would have
them do unto you.”
Myths and truths about God; what it is and what it isn't when
we look at the self-contradicting ideas in Western
Similarities we are seeing in Western religions and now during
COVID-19 with
brainwashing through
massive control and confusion.
[54:00] How To Be A Citizen Of The World
Why we should be wary of religious documents that teach us how
to live our lives.
His view that there is a lot of beauty in religion but it's up
to us to practice the beautiful parts and not emulate the
disease of it.
Why we're here to learn our potential and Earth is like a
schoolyard for immature
souls to grow.
How to be a citizen of the world by looking at ideas and
beliefs that can shape us to be whole.
Which specific mentors and groups have taught him so much
about life and religion.
How eastern religious thought leaders are sharing their wisdom
with the world even if they're not blasting their message online,
on TV, or through
social media.
[1:03:30] Where To Actually Find Peace On Earth
Kabir's belief that to truly know God you have to experience
God and you cannot do that without relationships.
How the
yogis are working for
us all of the time in their own way and can be in multiple places
at once.
The various good and bad entities that are working for us all
the time for there to be any actual
consciousness in this
What the Dark Angels are and why they have a very important
role to play.
The complementary opposite roles in life such as doctors and
patients, lawyers and bad guys, teachers and students, or life and
death that are so necessary for the world to function.
Why you have peace on Earth the moment you achieve
peace within
The shadows and struggles that
spiritual leaders themselves
come across with each other every day.
What God is to Paul Chek and his explanation of it.
- Nassim Haramein
- The Universe and You
Why God is inherently lonely and is seeking experiences, love,
and purpose through us.
Breaking down how God is 'no thing' and 'everything' at the
same time.
The magnitude of our
responsibility for ourselves, in relationships, as a parent,
and to the rest of the world.
Power Quotes From The
The Good, The Beautiful, And The True
"I believe there are three things that are not illusions and I
thank Plato for them: The good, the beautiful, and the true. What's
beautiful is sustainable, what's good is good for everybody, and
what's true is always true and your life will mirror that back to
you. To the degree that it's true and it gets you killed, then you
know that you died for the truth and there's no better way to go.
People like Martin Luther King Jr. are not afraid to die because
they're standing up for what is good, beautiful, and true such as
equality. The greatest lovers of God aren't afraid to die because
all it does is bring you back home and you're always safe with God
because that's all there is." - Paul Chek
How Honest Relationships Get Us Closer To God
"God is inherently lonely and God cannot know itself without
creating relationships. An honest relationship with a friend, a
business partner, a spouse, a lover is you meeting God and to the
degree that you work through that relationship, you will have the
ultimate church, temple, and path because everything that you can't
see about yourself, somebody else can and everything they can't see
about them you can. Together, you heal each other's shadows and
illusions out of love. Then you begin to wake up to what's really
going on in our reality and the further you get out of the
illusion, the more you look at the people trapped in it and out of
empathy and compassion you want to love and support them."
- Paul Chek
Our Similar Situations, Different Inner Experiences
"We attract into our lives what we need for growth at our own
level of development. Each soul has its own path. Each soul is an
expression of the divine, an emissary of the divine, and is an
agent of experience for the divine. So, with my brother, the divine
needed to explore the depths of violence, addiction, power,
exploitation, the separation from family, and the depths of
alternate realities through the use of drugs. Really, at the end of
the day, aren't we all exploring those things at some level? Some
more than others but if you look into each of us, we are all very
unique individuals and even if it looks like we're in the same
situations, we're all having a different inner
experience." - Paul Chek
Links From Today's
About Paul Chek
Paul Chek is a world-renowned expert
in the fields of corrective and high-performance exercise
kinesiology, stress management and holistic wellness. For over
thirty years, Paul’s unique, integrated approach to treatment and
education has changed the lives of many of his clients, his
students, and their clients. By treating the body as a whole system
and finding the root cause of a problem, Paul has been successful
where traditional approaches have consistently failed.
Paul is the founder of the C.H.E.K (Corrective Holistic Exercise
Kinesiology) Institute, based in California, USA, and the P~P~S
Success Mastery Coaching Program. He is a prolific author of books,
articles and blog posts. In addition, Paul is a registered Native
American Spirit Guide and Medicine Man with the Nemenhah Band
(people of the truth) and Native American Traditional Organization
(NAC) where he initiates a process of awakening often fulfilling
comprehensive healing through sacred ceremony.

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