Brian Sanders | Food Lies: New Science That's Changing Everything, Misconceptions of Our Ancestors & Why Scientists Are Paid For False Studies
The Wellness + Wisdom Podcast is a global collective dedicated to mastering physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world.
In this podcast together we gather, apply and embody the wisdom needed for authentic well-being in the 21st century.
Each episode is artfully crafted to go an inch wide and a mile deep into the Pentagon of Wellness: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual & Financial.
Your host Josh Trent asks the questions no one else will ask to garner the truth about how to live a life of confidence, freedom, and optimal wellness—this is where together we walk the path of courage to cross the gap between knowing and doing.
Learn from world class leaders in the fields of physical intelligence, breathwork, emotional intelligence, behavior change, wellness, nutrition, behavioral psychology, habits, mindset, fitness, health, strength training, organic supplementation, biohacking, body transformation, psychedelics, mindfulness, meditation, neuroscience, mental health, spirituality, consciousness, the (7) pillars of wellness to live life well and (EI²)™ Emotional Intelligence + Inventory.
Part of the biggest problem of these processed foods is that
they're sold to you as health foods so you don't think that they're
bad for you but they are, right? Some people who have poor health
are very overweight and they know it but they're like, 'Yeah but I
love Popeye's and I eat fried chicken all the time and that's my
thing.' That wasn't the case with my parents. Like them, you think
that you're doing the right thing by following the government's
food pyramid but you're not and the nutrition changes you can make
are actually pretty simple and straightforward. - Brian
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CEO of Sapien, Host of the Peak Human Podcast, and Filmmaker of the upcoming
documentary, Food Lies, Brian
Sanders, explains the 3 things you can remove from your diet to
burn body fat faster, unpacks food psychology to help you shift
your mindset and behaviors plus secrets of the food industry that
they do not want you to know.
Is your body crying out for new nutrition but you're not sure
Listen as Brian shares why your intuitive food mechanism
has been blunted on purpose by the government's food pyramid
guidelines and the billions of dollars that are spent by big food corporations to take
over your biology.
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Unfortunately, virtually all turkey in the USA is conventionally
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to the outdoors. However, most "free range" turkeys only have
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Their truly pasture-raised turkeys are given full access to
outdoor, pesticide-free pasture with plenty of grass and insects
for them to nibble on.
How Brian shifted his career from being a mechanical engineer
to filmmaking and interviewing health experts.
Brian's close friendship with his fellow filmmaker, Jay
Hanamura, who he's known since his younger years in school.
His childhood growing up in Hawaii and the health journeys both he and his
parents experienced.
Why his family followed the government's food pyramid guidelines including
cereals, pastas, and dairy for years.
The struggle he went through when he lost both of his parents
(dad to cancer and mom to Alzheimer's in their late 60s, early 70s)
when he was 30 years old and how that has impacted his wellness
Brian's realization that his parents had several signs of
chronic disease yet no one told
How following the food pyramid impacted his parents' poor
health signs including undiagnosed pre-diabetes.
The frustration he felt at the loss of his parents because they
were doing the "right things" like not going to McDonald's and
cooking at home with the Food Pyramid guidelines.
Why the 'Dad Bod' actually isn't a fun thing and it's a sign
that you are insulin resistant.
The huge problem we're facing in the US as processed foods are
being sold to us as health foods.
Slow health benefits Brian began to see as his body's
composition and day-to-day health extremely changed when he took
out the most processed parts of his diet.
Why we need more protein as a nation and he believes that doing
this will help us lose more weight and be much healthier.
The increase in obesity that we started seeing in the USA in
1980 when the nutrition guidelines and food pyramid were first
introduced and how it's been increasing ever since.
Why we overeat processed foods because our body
needs to reach a certain amount of protein intake vs eating a very
high protein food in a smaller portion.
[43:00] Secrets of the Food Industry
Breaking down how businesses make profit with packaged
processed foods compared to high protein foods like real meat.
How his business, Nose to Tail, operates and how expensive it
is just to keep up with the food production.
The importance of looking at who actually funds all of these
food companies such as this one on pasta which is funded by
The toxicity of cancel culture that we're seeing today in our
How you can break the habit of eating the same foods
you did when you were an adolescent.
[51:00] The Mission of Sapien
About Sapien and his mission to help people become peak human.
Why he wants Sapien to become the 'Apple' company of health and
The lifestyle choices you make from
where you live to where you shop for food and how that impacts your
wellness journey.
Why Brian has found himself spending less money on food now especially
since he has cut snacking out of the picture or a Starbucks run or
going out to eat.
How we can shift the way we see food and value good quality
sources for their health benefits.
Food purchasing habits in the USA compared to other countries
and why we don't value quality foods enough.
How Brian's health transformation has helped
him save money in other ways since he hasn't had to go to the
doctor or paid medical bills in years.
[59:30] Navigating Your New Healthy Identity
What you can do once you decide to shift and build a new
healthy identity for
The negative consequences of referring to going off track with
your diet as a "cheat day."
Why it's okay to go out to eat every now and then and you
shouldn't beat yourself up about it.
The power in seeing going out to eat with friends sometimes and
having a good time as a celebration; not the start of a shame spiral.
How the flour from ancestral grains such as in Italy compares
to the refined flour we have in the USA.
The differences between real cheese and fake, sliced American
Kraft cheese.
Why food like the different kinds of carbs can be confusing and we
have to realize there is a difference such as when you compare
bread to a sweet potato.
The truth about vegetable oil and why they're really just seed
Why all of the good oils are actually fruits: olives, avocados,
and coconuts besides animal fats.
The incessant push against meat in the media and by big food
companies and pharmaceuticals who can profit from it when it is
actually good for us and fine to consume.
Why it is possible for us to eat better; we just have to make
the choice to change our lifestyles and shift what we use our money
for each day.
Brian's definition of wellness and why you cannot cheat
Power Quotes From The Show
You Can't Cheat Nature
"People are looking for a hack or to cheat nature; you can cheat
nature in other ways like flying a plane but you cannot cheat your
way to better health. You can't just take a pill that will make you
feel like you slept for 8 hours when you really only did 3 hours.
It doesn't work like that - just the same, something like fake
Beyond Meat is never going to be as good as real meat." -
Brian Sanders
The First Step of Your New Health Identity
"You have to value your wellness first to really begin to
navigate your new health identity. You need to understand how
valuable what you eat is and that if you do this, you will have
long-term health. That is step 1. If you know enough about this,
you study it and believe it enough to say to yourself, 'I will not
die of Alzheimer's or cancer or heart disease and I want to live as
long as I can, I need to eat better.' Then you've set in motion
your desire to eat more whole foods and get rid of anything with
sugar, flour, and seed oils." - Brian Sanders
The Unfair Demonization of Meat
"Let's not get stuck in a food camp and sometimes we're actually
fighting the wrong battle. Take meat for example; it has been
unfairly demonized for so long but the real enemy is processed
foods: sugar, flour, and seed oils make up about 80% of the grocery
store in different versions put together with different flavorings
and combinations. When we look at food instincts and intuitive
eating; what did we eat for all of history? We didn't have the
sugar, flour, and seed oils - we had the meat and we were eating
fish, eggs, and any other fruits and vegetables that we could find
and that's it; it's the simplest diet ever. - Brian
Brian Sanders quit his job and dedicated his life to
studying health and nutrition. He is trying his best to be unbiased
and to simplify the conflicting advice out there and distill down
concepts into something anyone can understand. Brian is not a
doctor or nutritionist.
He is a mechanical engineer and he lost both of his parents to
chronic disease and has set off on his own path for the last 4
years to study this topic and make sure he doesn’t fall to the same
fate. His role is the curator, the communicator. He has interviewed
over 100 of the top scientists, doctors, nutritionists, fitness
experts, and other health professionals and has come to find some
simple truths that he’d like to share.
A lot of this will be presented in the feature length
documentary called Food Lies, but it’s not all about the film. He
is spreading this information to the public anyway he can. Not only
has he created the Peak Human podcast, he posts daily ideas and
information on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and soon to he'll
be doing more videos on youtube.
The bigger goal is to change the way we do healthcare. That's
why he started the parent company of these projects called SAPIEN
( They are building technology to help doctors,
health coaches, and patients communicate more effectively and
reverse chronic diseases.
About the Podcast
The Wellness + Wisdom Podcast is a global collective for humans to thrive in our modern world.
In this podcast together we gather, apply and embody the wisdom needed for authentic well-being in the 21st century.
Each episode is artfully crafted to go an inch wide and a mile deep into the "Pentagon of Wellness" - Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual + Financial.
Your host, Josh Trent, asks the questions few have the courage to ask so you can garner the truth about how to live a life of confidence, freedom + optimal wellness.
Together, we'll walk the path of courage to cross the gap between knowing, and doing.
Learn from world class leaders about:
Breathwork, Behavior Change, Wellness, Nutrition, Behavioral Psychology, Habits, Mindset, Fitness, Health, Philosophy, Religion, Organics, Biohacking, Transformation, Psychedelics, Mindfulness, Meditation, Neuroscience, Mental Health, Religion, Spirituality, Personal Growth, Consciousness + More.
Every episode is built from Josh's proprietary science + spirit lessons from The Wellness Pentagon™ , (EI²)™ Emotional Intelligence + Inventory and more.
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