Nov 26, 2018
It's not necessarily food that's leading to obesity. It's what's inside our food, what's wrapped around our food, and even what we're cooking our food on that's creating this epidemic.- Dr. David Friedman
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Nov 20, 2018
There’s a big difference in following your passion and following your potential. Following your passion is a comfort zone in which you feel good because there is no challenge. Following your potential will require you to leave that comfort zone in order to realize that potential. - Peter Sage
Nov 16, 2018
For inner strength, you can't just steamroll emotions. You have to deal with them, but first, you must also want to do the work. You have to want to slow down and learn about meditation, emotions, and vulnerability. - Anders Varner
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Nov 13, 2018
Childhood experiences heavily imprint our way of being in adult relationships; from communication to affection, we've been taught to act a certain way. When we choose to acknowledge this, we can see what’s been inherited, evolve from our lineage, and rewrite a new love story. - Crista Beck
Nov 6, 2018
Emotions are an essential part of our human design. Ignoring, denying, or feeling shame about having them will only weigh you down with emotional obesity. Emotions are an energy that you get to feel, accept, and examine."
You focus on your physical health but are you neglecting your emotional well-being?