Mar 29, 2022
Bitcoin is this pattern of pure honesty; there is nothing hidden. It's an open-sourced code and it's definable so that no matter which way you look at it, you see it in its totality. If money is such an important pattern for the human species, doesn't it make sense that an honest, truthful, sincere pattern like...
Mar 22, 2022
I think we're in a creative renaissance right now. The artists are being rebirthed, reinspired, and reinvigorated. As a collective, as we start to take action of stepping into a more creative flow and mindset, we're not just creating art - we're creating our world and our reality. As we all step into a space of creating...
Mar 15, 2022
Part of the biggest problem of these processed foods is that they're sold to you as health foods so you don't think that they're bad for you but they are, right? Some people who have poor health are very overweight and they know it but they're like, 'Yeah but I love Popeye's and I eat fried chicken all the time and...
Mar 8, 2022
You get taught that you are something but the truth is, it's not true and it's just a story. It could be a story that people told to you and then you start telling that story enough to yourself until you get to this place where you truly believe, 'That's it for me.' That's not it; it's false. At any moment, you can be...
Mar 1, 2022
To be a Lifestyle Investor, you're in charge of your life. You're in charge of building an incredible life that can support itself based on income coming in. So, instead of working for a paycheck, a business, or your own business - why not buy assets that produce income? Those assets cover the cost of living and...