Apr 5, 2019
When our intuition comes up, sometimes it can be conflicting. Is this my intuition or is this a judgment from my ego? But the heart is the greatest barometer for helping to guide you because when something is true, you feel it and you know it. - Jennifer Sodini
What does it mean to live a life of wellbeing in the modern age despite prior to knowledge, individual beliefs, and where you're currently at on your wellness journey?
---> Join the Wellness Warrior VIP Club: get exclusive discounts on new wellness tools, be first in line for new podcasts, get access to invite-only events, and so much more.**
---> Get The Morning 21: A powerful (and free) system designed to give you more energy, let go of old weight, and live life well.
Discover how to give yourself the self-love, self-care, and self-respect you need when forgiving others.
Learn more about WITMA Live at Hudson Loft in Los Angeles, CA!
Well-being in the Modern Age (WITMA) is a live conversation series focused on practical methods for living a healthy and connected life.
Curated and produced by Anna Lundgaard & Jennifer Sodini
Join us for the next edition of WITMA Live at Hudson Loft in Los Angeles, CA on April 20th, 2019 from 10:30 am - 6:00 pm.
Featuring discussions moderated by Rich Roll, Michael Phillip, Jennifer Sodini, and Benjamin W. Decker.
A few keywords on an iPhone note in the spring of 2017 became the beginning of what Well-being in the Modern Age (WITMA) has grown to be.
WITMA’s original founders synchronously came together in 2017 from varied backgrounds and disciplines with a shared intention to cultivate an inclusive, and highly conscious event-series exploring what “well-being” truly means in these modern times.
By intentionally curating accessible experiences centered on empowering, imaginative, and alternative viewpoints, WITMA seeks to reach like-minded people interested in facilitating the paradigm shift taking place globally - here and now.
With over 300 physical attendees, an average panelist reach of about 1.5 million impressions, a live-stream audience of 90+K, and extensive podcast coverage on numerous channels - WITMA's foundational event at Neuehouse in NYC on September 22nd, 2017 proved to feed a need for more conscious community.
"Words create worlds. That's why the phrase is called, 'Casting spells,' because you're spelling things into reality. But when you use airy-fairy language or talk about vibrational quantum nonsense, you turn off people. You have to meet people where they're at and demystify the mysticism because science is catching up with what the ancients knew. If you can find ways to transform that into being more unrelatable, that will help so many people on their wellness journeys." - Jennifer Sodini
"My biggest heart intention is to find a space and to create experience and content that makes people feel at one with everything and everyone. I want to help people be able to converse with somebody that maybe they perceive as their opposite with an open heart. I want to allow people to be who they are without trying to expect anything more." - Jennifer Sodini
"We're in an interesting time where so many of us don't even know what reconnecting to our soul means. We don't even know that we have a soul as spiritual beings and discovering that is so important. When we realize that, we find out that we're so much bigger, important, and powerful than we've ever realized." - Jennifer Sodini
"Forgiving ourselves is a constant process but would you treat a child the same way that you treat yourself? Would you speak to a child with such critical, harsh words? This child is your core essence and pure being so don't hurt, harm, or speak to your inner child with such negative words." - Jennifer Sodini
Jennifer Sodini is an author,
public speaker, and the founder of the conscious media platform
Evolve and Ascend. Through her travels and research, she has
visited some of the world's most sacred esoteric places including
Egypt, Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan. A lifelong student of the occult,
perennial philosophy, and The Secret Teaching of All Ages, she now
shares her knowledge through a wide variety of endeavors, including
the conference series Well-Being in the Modern Age, in which she is
a partner.